Vertical press for cheese, Рига

Цена: 10 LVL
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 31.08.2018;
  • Уникальный код - 19419569;
  • Количество просмотров - 184;
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Описание товара

Works with all types of moulds, including Euroblock and multimoulds
Compact and energy-efficient.
Manual controls.
Capable of pressing up to 4 moulds on one platform at the same time
All mould types
Pneumatic vertical press is a universal machine for pressing that works with all types of cheese, including Swiss. It condenses cheese mass, removes whey and serves for building a surface layer and reaching the necessary shape of cheese.
The press works with every variety of cheese moulds, whether it is ball-shaped, rectangular, cylinder-shaped, Euroblock or multimoulds. From 1 to 4 moulds (depending on their size) can be pressed at one time on one platform.
High quality of pressing
The press keeps even pressure thanks to PTFE bushes. No skewness while pressing is possible.
The press is controlled by an operator. The operator sets the pressure and counts the pressing time. The machine is actuated in sections, so you will not need to wait till the whole press gets filled with moulds. Separate pressure can be set for each section.
A tray collects removed whey and that helps to avoid unwanted bacterial growth.
The machine is made of inox steel and other certified materials allowed for use in food industry.
User-friendly operation
Autonomous controls for each section of the press saves time. Each section is operated separately by means of a control panel which is more efficient as the operator does not have to wait for the whole press to fill. The press comes in two varieties: with manual or automatic controls.
Whey removed from cheese mass is collected in a tray which provides for safe operating conditions.
Food industry standards
No ferrous metal components are used. All metal components are of inox steel.

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Vertical press for cheese